General Assembly

The General Assembly of UBBSLA is the supreme body of the organization. Each member municipality is represented in the general meeting by the Mayor of the municipality. The General Assembly meets once a year and has the following functions:

  • Accepts and dismisses members of the Association;
  • Determines the number of members of the Management Board and elects and dismisses them;
  • Adopts the annual financial report;
  • Accepts and amends the Statute;
  • Accepts the report on the work of the Management Board;
  • Makes a decision to terminate the Association’s activity;
  • Decides to join other organizations;
  • Adopts decisions to determine the amount of the annual membership fee and the method of payment;
  • Adopts the strategic plan and work plan.

Managing Board

The Managing Board consists of seven persons – a Chairman, three deputy chairmen and three members. The members of the Managing Board are elected for a period of two years. The Managing Board organizes the UBBSLA activities and represents the Association through its Chairperson.

Chief Executive Director (CEO)

The CEO organizes and manages the UBBSLA operational activities, organizes the relations between the municipalities, informs the Chairman of the Managing Board for circumstance occurred that are of substantial significance for the Association. The Executive Director reports its activities before the Managing Board every six months and before the General Assembly at the end of the year.

UBBSLA Statutes

UBBSLA Gender Equality Plan 2022-2027