UNION OF BULGARIAN BLACK SEA LOCAL AUTHORITIES (UBBSLA) is an independent non-governmental, voluntary, self-governing and non-profit organization established as a juridical person in 1992.
At the moment, the Union of the Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities unites 20 municipalities bordering the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, namely:
Аvren, Аksakovo, Balchik, Beloslav, Burgas, Byala, Varna, Valchi dol, Dalgopol, Devnya, Dobrich, Dolni Chiflik, Каvarna, Мalko Tarnovo, Nesebar, Pomorie, Primorsko, Suvorovo, Shabla and Tsarevo,
located in three administrative regions – Burgas, Varna and Dobrich.

UBBSLA is an organization uniting the interests of all member municipalities and encouraging strong and effective local self-government and active citizen participation in the Black Sea Region.
- assist municipalities in preparing proposals for applying for funding in the new programming period
- assistance in establishing contacts and expertise to attract international partners to apply with proposals
- support to initiate partnerships and twinning of the coastal municipalities of European cities
- expertise and technical assistance to municipalities to develop plans and strategic documents
- preparation of expert opinions on the laws concerning the development of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast to provide a better legislative environment for local authorities
- organizing and conducting seminars and workshops on current legislative changes and their implementation
The spiritual virtue of Nessebar as part of UNESCO Heritage Corridor
#GreeThis virtual tour of tourist destinations in the Bulgarian Black Sea municipalities
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