Progressive solutions in greener optimization of public lightning in EURO-MED area
Project consortium:
- Municipality of Tuzi, Montenegro
- Energy and Environment Agency of Arrábida, Portugal
- Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities, Bulgaria
- Municipality of Lezhë, Albania
- Akamas Municipality, Cyprus
- City of Kaštela, Croatia
- National Energy technological Cluster DiTNE
- Technical University of Crete, Greece
Funded: Interreg Euro-MED /Greener MED/ Specific objective RSO2.4: Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches
Budget: 2,949,785.00 EUR
Duration: 33 months (01.01.2024 – 30.09.2026)
The project in this time of energy crises brings together EU countries of Mediterranean and two IPA countries willing to contribute to implementation of international energy and environment policies in the scope of climate change adaptation and mitigation, energy transition and community decarbonization, encouraging behavior change and adoption of best practices in natural resources’ utilization. PROLIGHTmed gathered 8 partners from different countries with one goal to affect positively on public lighting/facility systems and testing actions that will be implemented in four municipalities at the same time.
The overall project objective: to contribute to the promotion of climate change adaptation through optimisation and facilitation of public lighting energy efficacy solutions in the EURO-MED area. Direct beneficiaries of the project will use the step-by-step, methodological approach and get access to tools and resources that could foster a more efficient implementation of local energy plans, integrating not only technical, but also socio-economic and environmental aspects.
As a result of working packages four main outputs will be created during project lifecycle.
- Defined joint strategy for improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emission in public lighting of EURO-MED region, that should provide a joint approach and jointly developed analytical and implementation tools. During the strategy planning processes involvement of all project partners, associate partners and other national and local level stakeholder will be established;
- Joint action plan and methodology for financing public lighting optimisation projects. Using the value chain approach and based on different experiences of financing the implementation of activities related to the optimisation of public lightning project partners will recommend best models for financing mechanisms, targeting and EU and IPA countries of EURO-MED region. Specific focus will be given to the banking sector and establishing subventions schemes for support of investments in public lighting;
- Upscaled solution with final recommendation on optimisation of energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emission in public lighting in EURO-Med region based on testing activities
- Implemented cross border knowledge transferability campaign targeting optimisation of public lighting energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emission in EURO-MED region.
Testing stage / Investments:
- Installation of street public lighting in Tuzi
- Installation of street public lighting in Lezhe
- Installation of street public lighting in Kaštela
- Installation of solar parking lighting in Pegeia
Target Groups:
- National and local public authorities
- Sectoral agency
- Infrastructure and (public) service provider
- SME’s
- Higher education and research organisations
- General public
ProLIGHTmed Facebook page: ProLIGHTmed Interreg Project
ProLIGHTmed Instagram page: ProLIGHTmed Interreg Project
ProLIGHTmed Youtube channel: ProLIGHTmed Interreg Project